Thursday, January 31, 2008

夢 - Dream

Books about dream I have got are:

1. The Dreamer's Dictionary, by Stearn Robinson and Tom Corbett

2. The Complete Dream Dictionary, by Mac-Gregor

3. A Dream Diary - A World Of My Own, by Graham Greene, Chinese Version Copyright (夢之日記)

4. The Interpretation of Dreams, by Sigmund Freud, Chinese Version Copyright (夢的解析)

5. Dreaming - An Introduction To The Science Of Sleep, by J. Allan Hobson

6. Dreaming - An Introduction To The Science Of Sleep, by J. Allan Hobson, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 潘震澤 (夢的新解析)

7. Dream Telepathy - Experiments in Nocturnal Extrasensory Perception, by Montague Ullman, Stanley Krippner, Alan Vaughan, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 朱侃如 (夢境實驗室)

8. Extraordinary Dreams And How To Work With Them, by Stanley Krippner, Fariba Bogzaran, André Percia de Carvalho, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 易之新 (超凡之夢)

9. 如何解夢

10. 夢境奇遊,饒遠著

11. 完全解夢手冊,林健一著

12. 幸運占夢,溫子瑛編

13. Windows Of The Soul, by Paul Meier, M.D. and Robert Wise, Ph.D, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 陳淑惠 (靈魂之窗)

14. 解夢密碼,洪啟嵩著

15. Living Your Dreams, by Gayle Delaney, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 黄演耀 (你是做夢大師)

16. Creative Dreaming, by Patricia Garfield, Ph.D

17. Edgar Cayce On Dreams, by Harmon H. Bro, Ph.D

18. Dreams - Tonight's Answers For Tomorrow's Questions, by Mark Thurston, Ph.D

19. The Committee Of Sleep, by Deirdre Barrett, Ph.D

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

愛 - Love / Relationship

Books about love and relationship I have got are:

1. Mars And Venus Together Forever, by John Gray, Ph.D

2. What You Feel You Can Heal, by John Gray, Ph.D

3. Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, by John Gray, Ph.D

4. The Real Rules, by Barbara De Angelis

5. Love Is . . . For Him

6. Love Is . . . For Her

7. Why Men Don't Listen And Women Can't Read Maps, by Alan & Barbara Pease

8. Teen Love On Relationships, by Kimberly Kirberger

9. 愛的祕密,by Adam J. Jackson

10. Test 愛情百分白,by Koichi Yoshitome

11. 聰明女人別在原地找幸福乳酪,郭育志著

12. Men, Women & Relationships, by John Gray, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 蕭德蘭

13. Aphrodite's Secrets, by Joanne E. Brunn, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 蘇有薇 (小辣妹聖經 -- 喚醒內心的性感女神)

14. He Just Doesn't Get It, by Ellen Sue Stern, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 林育如 (男人就是搞不懂)

15. 與狼共舞不受傷,林萃芬著

16. The 9 Types Of Lovers, by Daphine Rose Kingma, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 陳柏蒼 (挑戰九面情人)

17. How To Chat-Up Men, by Amy Mandeville, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 林宜宏 (女人主動)

18. 情人 -- 很有感覺!,林慶昭箸

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

靈 - Mediumship / Psychic

Books about spirit, mediumship and psychic ability I have got are:

1. The Psychic In You - Understand And Harness Your Natural Psychic Power, by Jeffrey Wands with Tom Philbin, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 陳麗丹 (飛進第六感)

2. The Other Side And Back, by Sylvia Browne and Lindsay Harrison, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 法藍西斯張 (靈魂之旅)

3. 超心靈現象,唐震寰著

4. 起能力趣味實驗室,秋山真人著

5. 生命中的守護靈

6. Everything Talks To Me, by Grace Speare, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 唐清蓉 (心靈之眼)

7. Blame It On Your Past Lives, by Tara Sutphen, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 黃瑩珺 (第6感神秘書簡)

8. Unlock Your Psychic Powers, by Dr. Richard Lawrence

9. Parting Visions, by Melvin Morse, M.D. with Paul Perry

Sunday, January 27, 2008

死亡 - Death

Books about near-death-experience and death I have got are:

1. The Measure Of Our Days - A Spiritual Exploration Of Illness, by Jerome Groopman, M.D., Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 鄧伯宸 (時間等候區--醫生與病人的希望之旅)

2. Gentle Closings - How To Say Goodbye To Someone You Love, by Ted Menten

Saturday, January 26, 2008

超自然 - Paranormal


1. The Intuition, by Dr. Dimitrios Lenis -- 直覺力,藍寧仕醫師箸

2. Limitless Mind - A Guide To Remote Viewing And Transformation Of The Consciousness, by Russell Targ

Friday, January 25, 2008

生命 - Past/After Lives / OBE


Books about past lives, out-of-body experiences, reincarnation and life-after-death I have got are:

1. The Afterlife Experiments - Breakthrough Scientific Evidence Of Life After Death, by Gary E. Schwartz, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 傅士哲 (靈魂實驗)

2. 新時代輪迴實錄,黄玄著

3. 尋找前世的秘密,張書平 (遊戲系列)

4. 前世、來世占卜 ,淺野八郎著 (遊戲系列)

5. Many Lives, Many Masters, by Brian L. Weiss, Chinese Version Copyright (前世今生)

6. Through Time Into Healing, by Brian L. Weiss, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 黃漢耀 (生命輪迴)

7. Messages From The Masters, by Brian L. Weiss, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 黃漢耀 (回到當下)

8. Same Soul, Many Bodies, by Brian L. Weiss, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 朱衣 (前世今生來生緣)

9. How To Uncover Your Past Lives, by Ted Andrews

10. Journey Of Souls, by Michael Newton, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 曾恰菱 (靈魂的旅程)

11. Destiny Of Souls - New Case Studies Of Life Between Lives, by Michael Newton, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 林東、陳琳潔、陳景明 (靈魂的命運)

12. Life Between Lives - Hypnotherapy For Spiritual Regression, by Michael Newton

13. Journeys Out Of The Body, by Robert A. Monroe

14. Ultimate Journey, by Robert A. Monroe

15. Far Journeys, by Robert A. Monroe

16. Induced After-Death Communication, by Allan L. Botkin

17. 靈魂出竅奇譚,鍾啟堯箸

Thursday, January 24, 2008

意識 / 思想 / 大腦 - Consciousness / Thoughts / Brain

Books about consciousness, thoughts and our brain:

1. 天才的創造法,川島隆太著

2. Use It Or Lose It!, by Allen D. Bragdon and David Gamon, Chinese Version Copyright (腦袋不用會生銹)

3. The Intention Experiment - Using Your Thoughts To Change Your Life And The World, by Lynne Mctaggart

4. Counter Clockwise - Mindful Health and the Power of Possibility, by Ellen J. Langer

5. The Biology Of Belief - Unleashing The Power Of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles, by Bruce H. Lipton, PhD

6. The Genie In Your Genes - Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of Intention, by Dawson Church, PhD

生活智慧、 心靈系列 - Life Wisdom / Spirituality / Inspiration

Books about life wisdom and spirituality I have got are:

1. Life Wisdom, by Carolyn Temsi & Caro Handley

2. If Life Is A Game, These Are The Rules, by Cherie Carter-Scott, Ph.D

3. Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do!, by Robert H. Schuller

4. How To Have A Beautiful Mind, by Edward de Bono

5. Happiness In A Nutshell, by Andrew Matthews

6. Making Friends, by Andrew Matthews

7. Follow Your Heart, by Andrew Matthews

8. Being Happy, by Andrew Matthews

9. Letting It Go, by Bev Aisbett

10. 人生幸福,每一項都在拚圖,何權峰著

11. 不要管豬跟你說什麼,王國華著

12. 我能搬走誰的乳酪?,陳彤著

13. 我就是我,司思魯著

14. 智慧存摺,宋瑞著

15. 一天多一點智慧,褚宗堯著

16. 心念的種籽,何權峰著

17. 快樂心好自在,何天著

18. 線化心靈,潘台成箸

19. 貼心,何權峰著

20. 心路,王仕仁著

21. 用心眼看世界,黃勝常箸

22. 境随心轉,褚宗堯著

23. 心田甘露,何權峰著

24. 人生不加框,何天箸

25. Voyage Autour De Ma Chambre, by Xavier de Maistre, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 嚴慧瑩 (在自己房間裡的旅行)

26. Guide De Relaxation, by Henri Brunel, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 梁家均 (法國式的心靈解放--輕鬆哲學)

27. Prescriptions For Living, by Bernie S. Siegel, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 盧心權 (生活處方)

28. Inner Simplicity, by Elaine St. James, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 黃漢耀 (心靈簡單就是美)

29. Chicken Soup For The Soul (心靈雞湯)

30. Undo...,金英珠箸

31. Spiritual Intelligence - The Ultimate Intelligence, by Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall

32. The Power Of Positive Thought, by Gilbert Oakley, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 李明、朱靜宇 (積極思維的力量)

Monday, January 21, 2008

保健 - Health & Beauty

Books about health and beauty I have got are:

1. 現代人養生保健80法,葉道弘編著

2. 神奇番茄,杜紹鵬 (The Wonderful Tomato)

Friday, January 18, 2008

心理 - Psychology

Books about emotion and psychology I have got are:

1. I Hate You, Don't Leave Me - Understanding The Borderline Personality, by Jerold J. Kreisman, M.D and Hal Straus, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by邱約文 (愛你、想你、恨你,走進邊緣人格的世界)

2. 佛洛依德無所不在,張秀琴著

3. 心理遊戲,G.大衛研究所著

4. 惡魔心理測驗,富田隆著

5. 恐怖心理測驗,富田隆著

6. 洞察人心,林萃芬著

7. Conquer Shyness, by Frank J. Bruno, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 李靜瑤 (誰都不須害差)

8. Healing Through The Dark Emotions, by Miriam Greenspan, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 陳亭螢 (陰暗情緒是毒也是藥)

9. When Am I Going To Be Happy? - How To Break The Emotional Bad Habits That Make You Miserable, by Penelope Russianoff, Ph.D.

10. How To Win Friends And Influence People, by Dale Carnegie

11. How To Win Friends And Influence People, by Dale Carnegie, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 雷吟 (人性的弱點)

12. Toxic Friends True Friends, by Florence Isaacs, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 劉妍 (有毒朋友、真心朋友)

13. A Geography Of Time - The Temporal Misadventures Of A Social Psychologist, by Robert Levine, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 馮克芸、黃芳田、陳玲瓏 (時間地圖--不同時代與民族對時間的不同解釋)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

天文 - Astronomy


Astronomy books I have got are:

1. Atom: An Odyssey From The Big Bang To Life On Earth...And Beyond, by Lawrence M. Krauss, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 陸劍豪 (一顆原子的時空之旅 - 從大霹靂到生命誕生的故事)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

星座 - Astrology

Books about astrology I have got are:

1. Sagittarius, by Linda Goodman, Chinese Version Copyright (射手座的愛情)

2. 非常男女的來電聖經,夏普著

3. 愛情及星座男生女生配,林美娟著

4. 月亮星座的秘密,星座小王子係例

Monday, January 14, 2008

旅遊 - Travel Books / Maps

Maps, photos and guided books about travel:

文學 /Non-Fiction
1. Atlas Du Paris Souterrain - La doublure sombre de la ville lumiere (巴黎地下世界--革命者、走私犯和洞穴愛好者出沒之地方)

2. The Flaneur - A stroll through the Paradoxes of Paris, by Edmund White, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 李桂蜜 (巴黎晃遊者)

3. No Place For A Lady, by Barbara Hodgson, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 洪世民 (女人旅行三百年紀事)

旅遊指南 / Travel Guide
1. Mexico - Insight Guides

2. Japan - Eyewitness Travel Guides

3. 德國 -- 知性之旅

4. 澳洲,大地的惊嘆!

5. 北歐:湖與童話,李欣頻著

6. 北歐:與陽光最美的戀情,李欣頻著

7. 巴黎 -- 品味旅遊

8. 人生必遊 -- 希臘圓夢之旅

9. 京都 -- 日本政略遊

10. 北海道 -- Life Net

11. 札幌、小樽、富良野、函館 -- 日本政略遊

12. 歐湖經典城市 -- Mook自遊自在

13. 法國、羅亞爾河 -- Mook自遊自在

14. 巴黎小旅行 -- Mook自遊自在

15. 捷克布拉格 -- Mook自遊自在

16. 墨西哥 -- Mook自遊自在

17. 埃及 -- Mook自遊自在

18. 印度浪漫之旅 -- Mook自遊自在

19. 日本廣島 -- Mook自遊自在

20. 北海道 -- 出境遊指南

旅遊攝影 / Travel Photography
1. Kyoto Sakura Collection, by Mizuno Katsuhiko (京都櫻花名所)

2. Australia - Moment In A Day, by Steve Parish

3. Australia - The Gift, by Steve Parish

4. Photographing Uluru

5. The Many Moods Of Uluru...

6. Grand Canyon, by Stewart Aitchison

7. Heritage Postcards Stonehenge

8. Stonehenge - English Heritage

9. The World's First Night Safari

10. Eantopinh (Greece)

11. Greece - Warm Light Calendar, by Georges Meis

12. Easter Island by Caroline Arnold

13. The Qin Dynasty Terra-Cotta Army Of Dreams, by Xi'an Press

地圖 / Maps
1. Illustrated World Atlas

2. London City Map - Lonely Planet

3. Lisbon, Euro City Map - Geo Ceenter

4. Sydney & Suburbs Road Map - NRMA

5. Auckland City Map - Periplus Travel Maps

6. Easter Island (Chile) - International Travel Maps

Sunday, January 13, 2008

語言 - Language

Learning foreign language handbooks:

1. 日語71關鍵字用法,張絃編著

2. 聽、說日語第一步,廖誠場編著

3. 手指義大利

4. 彩繪法語

5. Norwegian Phrase Book & Dictionary

Saturday, January 12, 2008

理財 - Money / Investment

Books about money and investment:

1. Investing For Dummies, by Eric Tyson, MBA

2. Stock Investing For Dummis, by Paul Mladjenovic

3. The Big Money - Seven Steps To Picking Great Stocks And Finding Financial Security, by Frederick R. Kobrick

Friday, January 11, 2008

電腦 - Computer

Books about computer and technology:

1. Fight Spam, Viruses, Pop-Ups & Spyware, by Ken Feinstein

Thursday, January 10, 2008

小說 - Fiction

Fictions and novels I have got are:

1. 護身符的故事,伊迪絲尼比斯特

2. 一個人不止愛一個人,梁望峰

3. 男人的遊戲規則,阿寬

4. Angels & Demons, by Dan Brown

5. The Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown

6. The Broker, by John Grisham

7. The Lord Of The Rings - The Two Towers, by Jrr. Tolkien

8. Everything's Eventual, by Stephen King

9. Le Crepusule Des Elfes, by Jean-Louis Fetjaine, Chinese Version Copyright (精靈的黃昏)

10. 慾望城巿,甘黛布妹乃爾著

11. Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone, by J. K. Rowling

12. Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets, by J. K. Rowling

13. Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban, by J. K. Rowling

14. Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire, by J. K. Rowling

15. Mussolini's Island - The Untold Story Of The Invasion Of Sicily, by John Follain

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

神祕 - Occult

Books about occult I have got are:

1. 占卜魔法書,秋山真人著

2. 你也是面相大師,羅玉君著

3. 紙牌魔術入門,張德著

4. Kabbalah神祕加巴拉數字密術,齊藤啟一著

5. Dictionary Of Demons And Devils 惡魔事典

6. Dictionary Of Holy And Magic Items 魔導具事典

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

符號 - Symbol

Books about symbol I have got are:

1. The Secret Language Of Symbols - A Visual Key To Symbols And Their Meanings, by David Fontana

2. A Dictionary Of Symbols, by J. E. Cirlot

3. The Five Universal Shapes And How To Use Them, by Angeles Arrien, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by王慧姬(心靈符碼)

Sunday, January 6, 2008

偉人 - The Great Man

Books about "The Great Man":

1. Nostradamus - The Next 50 Years, by Peter Lemesurier

2. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis - The Gift Of Friendship, by Collin Duriez, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 褚耐安 (聖經、魔戒與奇幻宗師)

3. Einstein & Picasso - Space, Time And The Beauty That Causes Havoc, by Arthur I. Miller, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by劉河北及劉海北 (愛因斯坦和畢卡索)

4. Einstein's Dreams, by Alan Lightman, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 童元方 (愛因斯坦的夢)

5. Leonardo Da Vinci, by Frank Zollner

6. How To Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci - Seven Steps To Genius Every Day, by Michael J. Gelb

7. Da Vinci Decoded - Discovering The Spiritual Secrets Of Leonardo's Seven Principles, by Michael J. Gelb

Saturday, January 5, 2008

藝術、設計 - Art / Design

Books about art and design I have got are:

藝術 / Art
1. 藝術的故事, E. H. Gombrich著

2. 西洋美術史,高階秀爾監修

3. 巴洛克之旅,張心龍著

4. 中西繪晝構圖之比較,袁金塔著

5. 超現實主義大師達利,何政廣主編

6. The Dali Universe, by Beniamino Levi

7. Surrealism, by Cathrin Klingsohr-Leroy

8. Weirdo Deluxe - The Wild World Of Pop Surrealism & Lowbrow Art, by Matt Dukes Jordan

9. Black, by Victoria Finlay, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 周靈芝 (黑色)

10. White, by Victoria Finlay, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 周靈芝 (白色)

11. Sloppy Seconds, by Bill Plympton

12. Robert Doisneau, by Jean-Claude Gautrand

13. 邊走邊看,李銳奮

設計 / Design
1. 包浩斯,王建柱箸

2. Graphic Design Now, by Charlotte & Peter Fiell

3. Psychedelic Graphics

4. Romantik

5. Inspirability - 40 Top Designers Speak Out About What Inspires, by Pash

6. Fashion Design Techniques, by Zeshu Takamura

7. Personal Space, by Kate Worsley

8. Living With Modern Classics - The Light, by Elizabeth Wilhide and Chris Everard

9. Web Design: Portfolios, edited by Julius Wiedemann

10. Web Design: Flash Sites, edited by Julius Wiedemann

Friday, January 4, 2008

宗教、開悟 - Religion / Enlightenment

Books about religion and enlightenment I have got are:

1. The Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 楊高俐理 (標竿人生)

2. 神曲的故事,但丁著

3. 伊斯蘭的世界地圖,21世紀研究會編

4. 奧修開悟ABC

5. The Silva Mind Control Method For Getting Help From Your Other Side, by Jose Silva and Robert B. Stone, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 王明華 (美夢成真)

6. Secrets Of The Code, by Dan Burstein

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

迷 - Unknown Mystery / Ancient Civilization

Books about mysteries:

1. Unknown Secret About Time Tunnel, by Steven R. Conklin, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 黃語忻 (穿梭空間的時光隧道)

2. Unknown Secret About Ancient Civilization, by Steven R. Conklin, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 黃語忻 (超文明的神祕世界)

3. Unknown Fingerprints, by Charles Northern Kenya, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 黃語忻 (眾神的指紋)

4. Miracle In The Jungle: Mayan Civilization, by Budd Hopkins, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 劉偉祥 (神祕消失的馬雅文明)

5. The Lost Paradise, by Charles Northern Kenya, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 黃語忻 (海角失樂園)

6. The Philadelphia Experiment Project Invisibility, by Charles Berlitz and William Moore, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 鍾啟堯 (戰艦隱形實驗)

7. Apocalypse 2012 - An Investigation Into Civilization's End, by Lawrence E. Joseph

8. The Mystery Of 2012 - Predictions, Prophecies & Possibilities, by Gregg Braden, Peter Russel, Daniel Pinchbeck, Joanna R. Macy, Ph.D., John Major Jenkins and more

9. The Montauk Project Experiments In Time, by Preston B. Nichols with Peter Moon

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

其它 - Other Knowledge

其它種類的書: :)
Other books:

1. 樹, C. W. 尼可著

2. 催眠 -- 真有這麽神,陳大正、陳茄哲及鄭昭仁著


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