Friday, January 18, 2008

心理 - Psychology

Books about emotion and psychology I have got are:

1. I Hate You, Don't Leave Me - Understanding The Borderline Personality, by Jerold J. Kreisman, M.D and Hal Straus, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by邱約文 (愛你、想你、恨你,走進邊緣人格的世界)

2. 佛洛依德無所不在,張秀琴著

3. 心理遊戲,G.大衛研究所著

4. 惡魔心理測驗,富田隆著

5. 恐怖心理測驗,富田隆著

6. 洞察人心,林萃芬著

7. Conquer Shyness, by Frank J. Bruno, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 李靜瑤 (誰都不須害差)

8. Healing Through The Dark Emotions, by Miriam Greenspan, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 陳亭螢 (陰暗情緒是毒也是藥)

9. When Am I Going To Be Happy? - How To Break The Emotional Bad Habits That Make You Miserable, by Penelope Russianoff, Ph.D.

10. How To Win Friends And Influence People, by Dale Carnegie

11. How To Win Friends And Influence People, by Dale Carnegie, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 雷吟 (人性的弱點)

12. Toxic Friends True Friends, by Florence Isaacs, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 劉妍 (有毒朋友、真心朋友)

13. A Geography Of Time - The Temporal Misadventures Of A Social Psychologist, by Robert Levine, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 馮克芸、黃芳田、陳玲瓏 (時間地圖--不同時代與民族對時間的不同解釋)