Thursday, January 24, 2008

生活智慧、 心靈系列 - Life Wisdom / Spirituality / Inspiration

Books about life wisdom and spirituality I have got are:

1. Life Wisdom, by Carolyn Temsi & Caro Handley

2. If Life Is A Game, These Are The Rules, by Cherie Carter-Scott, Ph.D

3. Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do!, by Robert H. Schuller

4. How To Have A Beautiful Mind, by Edward de Bono

5. Happiness In A Nutshell, by Andrew Matthews

6. Making Friends, by Andrew Matthews

7. Follow Your Heart, by Andrew Matthews

8. Being Happy, by Andrew Matthews

9. Letting It Go, by Bev Aisbett

10. 人生幸福,每一項都在拚圖,何權峰著

11. 不要管豬跟你說什麼,王國華著

12. 我能搬走誰的乳酪?,陳彤著

13. 我就是我,司思魯著

14. 智慧存摺,宋瑞著

15. 一天多一點智慧,褚宗堯著

16. 心念的種籽,何權峰著

17. 快樂心好自在,何天著

18. 線化心靈,潘台成箸

19. 貼心,何權峰著

20. 心路,王仕仁著

21. 用心眼看世界,黃勝常箸

22. 境随心轉,褚宗堯著

23. 心田甘露,何權峰著

24. 人生不加框,何天箸

25. Voyage Autour De Ma Chambre, by Xavier de Maistre, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 嚴慧瑩 (在自己房間裡的旅行)

26. Guide De Relaxation, by Henri Brunel, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 梁家均 (法國式的心靈解放--輕鬆哲學)

27. Prescriptions For Living, by Bernie S. Siegel, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 盧心權 (生活處方)

28. Inner Simplicity, by Elaine St. James, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 黃漢耀 (心靈簡單就是美)

29. Chicken Soup For The Soul (心靈雞湯)

30. Undo...,金英珠箸

31. Spiritual Intelligence - The Ultimate Intelligence, by Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall

32. The Power Of Positive Thought, by Gilbert Oakley, Chinese Version Copyright, translated by 李明、朱靜宇 (積極思維的力量)